Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Morningtide booster packs and other expansion going into a price drop

Morningtide booster packs prices to Php 150.00/pack($3.00). The first expansion to release for a low price. Judging to the card list, the price of per pack is fair compare to others. Great cards from Morningtide is as follows:

  • Mutavault (Php 800.00/$20.00)
  • Murmoring Bosk (Php 600.00/$17.00)
  • Chameleon Colossus (Php 500.00/$13.00)
  • Bitterblossom (Php 200.00/$8.00)
  • Countryside Crusher (Php 400.00/$10.00)
and other cards below the said lowest price. Compare to the 300+ card pieces from Lorwyn that contains Garruk Wildspeaker as the most expensive card in the expansion and Lorwyn block. I'm expecting to see Tauren Mauler to Raise its prices for the next months.

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